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Online One-Day Silent Meditation Retreat

Insight. Practice. Freedom.'s time to step away from the endless noise. For one day on Saturday, February 27th, 2021, join us for this special virtual retreat to explore a unique dynamic of meditation.

Led by Inseus Teacher, Stefanie Harris, this Vipassana style Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Meditation retreat will help you:

  • Calm the monkey mind.

  • Sharpen your awareness to see things as they really are.

  • Experience what’s going on in your body at the level of sensations.

  • Explore various types of meditations and mindful movement—including breath, body scan, compassion, visualization, & walking meditations, and gentle hatha yoga.

The Dāna Tradition

In keeping with Vipassana and Buddhist traditions, this is a donation-based or dāna retreat.

Dāna is an ancient Pali/Sanskrit word meaning "generosity," "giving" or "gift." It is directly related to the Latin word donum and corresponds to the English words donor, donate and donation. Dāna is intrinsic to a 2500-year-old Buddhist tradition. Going back to the days of the Buddha, the teachings were considered priceless and thus offered freely as a form of dāna. The early teachers received no payment for their instruction, and in turn, the lay community saw to it through their voluntary generosity—their dāna—that the basic needs of food, clothing, shelter and medicine were provided for these monks and nuns.

The Details

  • When: Saturday, February 27th, 2021, 9:00 AM—3:00 PM Central Time

  • Where: Online—join us virtually from wherever you are in the world

  • Cost: Pay what you are able.

  • Questions? Email