Spring Cleaning

Springtime is often associated with transitions and fresh starts. The increased sunshine, warmer temperatures, and budding flowers can be a helpful reminder to refresh and declutter.

But spring cleaning doesn’t have to be reserved for the cobwebs and clutter in your physical space. In fact, we’d argue that this is the perfect time to also clear out your mental space. What mental cobwebs could you sweep away in order to appreciate your life more fully? Where do you need to ‘freshen up’ your beliefs or attitude? What do you need to let go of so that you can spring forward?

Research shows that frequent journaling can have positive effects on mood. It’s also a great way to reflect on where you are at this moment in time, clear your mental load, and move forward with renewed clarity and purpose. Here are a few of our favorite journaling prompts for spring:

How can I be more kind to myself?
What is possible?
What can I let go of?
What if I wasn't afraid?
What energizes me?
What needs attention?
What do I value?
How can I be brave?
What is the most loving choice?
What needs to change?
What am I expecting?
What do I really want?
What am I committed to?
What next step do I need to take?

And if you’re new to journaling, here are some pointers to get you started:

  • Set a timer for 2 minutes or longer, if time allows, and write freely, without analyzing, planning, or over-thinking as you write. There are no “right” or “wrong” thoughts when it comes to journaling.

  • When possible, write your thoughts on paper rather than using a computer or other electronic device.

  • Keep the pen moving at all times, even when you think you have nothing to write. If you get stuck, try continuously writing, “I have nothing to write…” until a new thought or feeling emerges.

  • When you’re done writing, allow time to re-read what you wrote. Suspend judgment and read your words with an attitude of openness, curiosity, and kindness. Underline or circle anything that feels interesting or important. Decide if any action or next step would support you.

Enjoy the spring cleaning, deepened awareness, and mindset shift!

Mindfully yours,
The Inseus Team

Ashley Nelson